Anne Fadale (1921 - 1990)
My mother, the late and great Anne Fadale was a Jazz Master and one of Oscar Peterson’s prize students, who he referred to as a contemporary. In 1983 she invited my brother Charlie and me to play a Live Broadcast recorded by Select Sound Studios here in the Buffalo New York Area. We played and had a great time, but I never heard the broadcast. Years went by and once in a while I would have a recording session at that same studio and inevitably one of the engineers would come up and ask me about that 1983 session. They would always tell me it was one of the best live broadcasts but, it wasn’t until a year ago that it was located and I was able to finally hear this recording. It was very exciting and emotional to hear my mother on a fine instrument and properly recorded. It turns out to be one of the only quality recordings I have of her. So with the help of studio owner, Bill Kothen, I was able to get the original studio tapes restored and I Digitally Re-Mastered the recording. By the way it was the last 2 track (Stereo) recording done by the studio. And now I am able to share my Mother’s great talent with the world. She was truly a musical force.
As a child I certainly did not fully appreciate the power of this giant of jazz. She was my mom. I can recall one summer day driving with my mother and Blossom Deary (another legendary woman of Jazz) out to visit Jack Yellen (the composer/lyricist) at his farm in Springville. There we were, riding in the back of our Chevy Station Wagon with Anne and Blossom in the front seat with the jazz blasting on the radio. What a memory!
So now these lost recordings can be shared. I hope you enjoy them.